Sample Post Format: Quote

We are self-funded association of veterans. There is no charge for any of our service and membership. Wish to become involved or assist in some way. Please write, call, or send us an email message.


Sample Post Format: Aside

Beef ribs cupim sirloin tail kevin picanha shank. Kevin turkey meatloaf chicken pancetta alcatra. Chuck ham hock swine rump biltong. Swine kevin boudin beef, sirloin beef ribs brisket doner sausage ribeye burgdoggen shank cow pastrami. Chicken kielbasa cupim shankle andouille,...

Kontaktní údaje

Mgr. František Hartl

Dětmarovice 277, 73571


IČO 68174535

DIČ CZ7412115161



pošta Dětmarovice, 2.patro

Pondělí a Středa 10:00-16:30

Úterý a Čtvrtek 9:00-13:00

Pátek Zavřeno


  • kancelář 732 146 570
  • technik 737 669 055 nebo 604 745 504
  • (Po – pá – 8:00-18:00)
  • v jinou dobu pouze SMS